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view/download model file: Random Binary DisCSP Generator(5RC4).nlogo

Title: Uniform Random Binary DisCSP Generator
Author: Ionel Muscalagiu, Jose M. Vidal
This is the implementation of the uniform Random Binary DisCSP generator.

The randomly generated (binary) CSPs are characterised by the 4-tuple (n, m,p1,p2),
where n is the number of variables, m is the uniform domain size, p1 is the portion of
the n * (n - 1) /2 possible constraints in the graph, and p2 is the portion of the m*m value pairs in each constraint that are disallowed by the constraint. That is, p1 may be thought of as the density of the constraint graph, and p2 as the tightness of constraints.

In generating a CSP (n, m,pl ,p2) exactly p1 * n * (n - 1)/2 constraints are randomly
selected (rounded to the nearest integer), and for each constraint selected exactly p2 * m*m conflicting pairs of values are selected (again, rounded to the nearest integer).

We implement and generated in NetLogo both solvable and unsolvable randomly generated
DisCSPs. These problems had one variable per agent so all constraints are between variables belonging to different agents (inter-agent constraints).

We implement in NetLogo a random instance generators in two steps:
Step1: We select with repetition t = p1 n/(n-1) random constraints. Each random
constraint is formed by selecting without repetition 2 of n variables.
Step2: For each constraint we uniformly select without repetition q = p2
m*m incompatible tuples of values, i.e. each constraint relation contains
exactly 1 -p2*m*m compatible tuples of values.

The random instance can be saved in file. The file-list has the following format:
Line 1: number-of-variables “ ” number-of-values “ ” p1-network-connectivity “ ” p2-constraint-tightness
Line 2- Line t : edges (constraints)
Next n line: List of incompatible tuples of values


;Uniform Random Binary DisCSP Genrator
; by Ionel Muscalagiu ( )
; Jose M. Vidal 

;The randomly generated (binary) CSPs are characterised by the 4-tuple (n, m,p1,p2),
;where n is the number of variables, m is the uniform domain size, p1 is the portion of
;the n * (n - 1) /2 possible constraints in the graph, and p2 is the portion of the m*m  value
;pairs in each constraint that are disallowed by the constraint. That is, p1 may be thought
;of as the density of the constraint graph, and p2 as the tightness of constraints.
;In generating a CSP (n, m,pl ,p2) exactly p1 * n * (n - 1)/2 constraints are randomly
;selected (rounded to the nearest integer), and for each constraint selected exactly p2 * m*m conflicting pairs of values are selected (again, rounded to the nearest integer). 
breed [ nodes ]
breed [ edges ]
breed [ weights ]

;nodes = agents =variables
;each undirected edge goes from a to b
edges-own [a b weight-a weight-b wa-turtle wb-turtle  number-of-edges ]
weights-own [sw1 sw2]
;links list of neighbor nodes (but links is a list of the 'who' of all nodes that have a constraint with me)
;the-neighbors the same but as an agentset
;neighbors-list is a list of the initial neighbors nodes 

nodes-own [the-links neighbors-list the-neighbors Forbidden_Pairs colorn]

globals [x-max y-max diam friction tot-edges filename tick1 stoptick init-power-edges domain-color-list 

to setup-globals  ; separate procedure for setting globals
  let i 0
  let max-edges 0
  set diam 4
  set tick1 0
  set stoptick -2  ; set to some number to stop, generally for image collections
  set x-max max-pxcor - (diam / 2) + 1; 0.5
  set y-max max-pycor - (diam / 2) + 1; 0.5
  set filename "" ; change to collect images (or just use command center after setup)
  set-default-shape nodes "circle"
  set-default-shape edges "line"
  set friction .25
  set init-power-edges 2
  set max-edges round (number-of-variables * (number-of-variables - 1 ) / 2)
  set tot-edges round (max-edges * p1-network-connectivity) 
  if tot-edges < number-of-variables - 1
   set p1-network-connectivity precision ((number-of-variables - 1) / max-edges)  1
   set tot-edges number-of-variables - 1
  set domain-color-list []
  set i 0
  while [i < number-of-values][
        set domain-color-list lput item i [15 105 64 125 45 85 35 55 5 12] domain-color-list
        set i i + 1

to setup  ; Setup the model for a run, build a graph.
  ;; (for your model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  set-default-shape weights "none"

to setup-patches
  ask patches [set pcolor white]

to setup-turtles
  create-nodes number-of-variables [
    set color one-of domain-color-list
    ;set color item (random-int-or-float number-of-values) domain
    set colorn position color domain-color-list
    set label-color black
    set size diam
    set the-links []
    set label who
    setxy random-float (x-max) * (2 * (random 2) - 1)
          random-float (y-max) * (2 * (random 2) - 1)

to setup-random-binary-problems  ; Build a random binary CSP
  let t 0
  let t1 0
  let g 0
  let p1 0
  let p2 0
  let el 0
  let i 0
  let pos 0
  let temp 0
  let pos1 0
  set g (list turtle 1)
  while [length g < number-of-variables] [
    set t1 one-of nodes with [not member? self g]
    set t item random length g g
    ask t1 [connect-edge t]
    set g subgraph turtle 1
  while [count edges < tot-edges] [
    set t  one-of nodes
    set t1 one-of nodes with [self != t and not member? t the-links]
    if t1 != nobody [ask t1 [connect-edge t]]
  show count edges
  ask nodes [
    set the-neighbors nodes with [member? self ([the-links] of myself)]
    set neighbors-list []
    ask nodes[
    ask  the-neighbors
     set neighbors-list lput [who] of myself neighbors-list
     set neighbors-list sort  neighbors-list
    set total-conflict-pairs round(p2-constraint-tightness * (number-of-values  ) * (number-of-values  ))
    show "Total-conflict-pairs  "  show total-conflict-pairs
    ask nodes 
     set Forbidden_Pairs get-list number-of-variables [];length(neighbors-list) []
     foreach neighbors-list 
     if ? < who
     [ set i 0
      while [i < total-conflict-pairs]
        set p1 random number-of-values 
        set p2 random number-of-values
        set el list p1 p2
        set pos ?
        if not member? el item pos Forbidden_Pairs
         set temp lput el (item pos Forbidden_Pairs)
         set Forbidden_Pairs replace-item pos Forbidden_Pairs temp
         set i i + 1 ]
    ;  set pos pos + 1 

to WriteGraf
let sir 0
  let i 0
   let pos 0
   let cc 0
   let per 0
 let fis "graph.txt"
if (file-exists? fis )
   [file-delete fis]
 file-open fis
 set total-conflict-pairs round(p2-constraint-tightness * (number-of-values  ) * (number-of-values  ))
 file-print (word number-of-variables  " "  number-of-values  " " ( 2 * tot-edges)  " "  total-conflict-pairs)  
 ask nodes[
 ask the-neighbors
   set cc  [who] of myself
   file-print (word  cc " "  who )]
 set fis "int.txt"
if (file-exists? fis )
   [file-delete fis]
 file-open fis
 ask nodes 
    set pos  0
    set cc  [who] of myself
    set pos  0
   ;  show Forbidden_Pairs
   ;  show neighbors-list
    foreach neighbors-list 
     if ? < who
     [ set i 0
       file-print (word cc " " ? " " length item ? Forbidden_Pairs)
        foreach  item ? Forbidden_Pairs
         set per ?
         foreach per   
          [file-type ?
          file-type " "]
      file-print  ""     

to WriteGrafList
   let sir 0
  let i 0
   let pos 0
   let cc 0
   let fis "graph-list.txt"
if (file-exists? fis )
   [file-delete fis]
 file-open fis
 file-print (word number-of-variables  " "  number-of-values  " "  p1-network-connectivity  " "  p2-constraint-tightness)
 ask nodes[
 ask the-neighbors
   set cc  [who] of myself
   file-print (word  cc " "  who )]
 ask nodes 
    set pos  0
    set cc  [who] of myself
   ; print cc
    file-print cc
    file-print  Forbidden_Pairs

to LoadGraf
let sir 0
  let i 0
  let dens 0
  let edges-created 0
  let t 0
  let t1 0
  let cc 0
  let max-edges 0
  let temp []
  let tp []
let fis "graph.txt"
file-open fis
set number-of-variables file-read
set number-of-values file-read
set p1-network-connectivity file-read
set p2-constraint-tightness file-read
;; (for your model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
set-default-shape weights "none"
ask nodes [
    set the-links []
    set neighbors-list []
show (word number-of-variables   " "  number-of-values  " "  p1-network-connectivity  " "  p2-constraint-tightness)
set max-edges round (number-of-variables * (number-of-variables - 1 ) / 2)
set tot-edges round (max-edges * p1-network-connectivity) 
set total-conflict-pairs round(p2-constraint-tightness * (number-of-values  ) * (number-of-values  ))
set edges-created 0

while [edges-created < 2 * tot-edges]
 set t file-read
 set t1 file-read
 if  not member? turtle t1 [the-links] of turtle t and not member? turtle t [the-links] of turtle t1
 [ask turtle t1 [connect-edge turtle t ]
 ask turtle t [
    set neighbors-list lput t1 neighbors-list
 ask turtle t1 [
   set neighbors-list lput t neighbors-list ]
  set edges-created edges-created + 1

ask nodes [
    set the-neighbors nodes with [member? self ([the-links] of myself)]
 set i 1
 while [i <= number-of-variables]
  set cc file-read
  set temp file-read
  ask turtle cc [set Forbidden_Pairs temp]
  set i i + 1


to-report subgraph [n]  ; report the complete connected subgraph containing n1
  let stack 0
  let graph 0
  set graph (list n)
  set stack (list n)
  while [length stack > 0] [
    foreach [the-links] of first stack [
      if not member? ? graph [
        set graph lput ? graph
        set stack lput ? stack
  set stack but-first stack
  report graph

; The run procedure which makes the model take one step.
; It moves the nodes so that we get a better layout. You can also click on a node and move it by hand.
to go  
  let t 0
  if filename = 0 [setup] ; an attempt to work even tho user forgets setup
  if stoptick = -1 [stop]
  if mouse-down? [
    set t closest-xy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor nodes ;
    while [mouse-down?] [
      ask t [setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
      ask edges with [a = t or b = t][adjust-edge]
  if stoptick = tick1 [stop]

to step  ; Adjust the edges and nodes for one step of the model
  let delta 0
without-interruption [
  ask edges [
    set delta (spring-force * (size - spring-length)) / 2.0
    ask a [set heading towards-nowrap [b] of myself jump-nowrap delta]
    ask b [set heading towards-nowrap [a] of myself jump-nowrap delta]
  ask nodes [
    ask nodes with [self != myself] [
      set delta distance-nowrap myself
      set delta mutual-repulsion / (delta * delta)
      set heading towards-nowrap myself
      jump-nowrap (- delta)
  ask edges [adjust-edge]

;;;; Edge & Node utilities
to connect-edge [other-node] ; node proc: attach an edge between self and other

  hatch 1 [
    set breed edges
    set a myself
    set b other-node
    set weight-a 1
    set weight-b 1
    hatch 1 [
      set breed weights
      ;set ([wa-turtle] of myself) self
      set sw1 myself
      ask sw1 [set wa-turtle self]
      set label ([weight-a] of myself)]
    hatch 1 [
      set breed weights
      ;set ([wb-turtle] of myself) self
      set sw2 myself
      ask sw2  [set wb-turtle self]
      set label ([weight-b] of myself)]
    ask a [set the-links lput [b] of myself the-links]
    ask b [set the-links lput [a] of myself the-links]
    set color black
    set label ""

to-report sign [num]
  ifelse num < 0 [report -1][report 1]

to-report closest-xy [x y agent-set]  ; Return closest agent to x, y
  report min-one-of agent-set [distancexy-nowrap x y]

to jump-nowrap [dist] ; turtle proc: jump but don't wrap, bounce w/ friction instead
  let x 0
  let y 0
  set x xcor + dist * dx
  set y ycor + dist * dy
  if (abs x) > x-max [set x sign x * (x-max - (1 - friction) * ((abs x) - x-max))]
  if (abs y) > y-max [set y sign y * (y-max - (1 - friction) * ((abs y) - y-max))]
  setxy x y

to adjust-edge ; edge proc: reattach to a & b nodes
  setxy [xcor] of b [ycor] of b
  set heading towards-nowrap a
  fd diam / 2 + 1
  ;set ([xcor] of wb-turtle) xcor
  ask  wb-turtle [ set xcor [xcor] of myself ]

  ;set ([ycor] of wb-turtle) ycor
  ask wb-turtle [ set ycor [ycor] of myself ]
  setxy [xcor] of a [ycor] of a
  set size distance-nowrap b - diam
  set heading towards-nowrap b
  fd diam / 2 + 1
  ;set ([xcor] of wa-turtle) xcor
  ask  wa-turtle [ set xcor [xcor] of myself ]
  ;set ([ycor] of wa-turtle) ycor
  ask wa-turtle [ set ycor [ycor] of myself ]
  setxy [xcor] of a [ycor] of a
  jump (size / 2) + (diam / 2)

to-report make-list [num element]
  let i 0
  let result 0
  set i 0
  set result []
  while [i < num] [
    set result lput element result
    set i i + 1
  report result

to-report copy-list [l]
  let r 0
  set r []
  foreach l [
    set r lput ? r]
  report r

; n is length of list
; el is the element
to-report get-list [n el]
  let i 0
  let lst 0
  set i 0
  set lst []
  while [i < n] [
    set lst fput el lst
    set i i + 1]
  report lst

to graph-edges  ; Make a simple edge histogram
  set-current-plot "edge-distribution"
  set-plot-x-range 1  1 + max [length the-links] of nodes
  histogram  [length the-links] of nodes